合気道教室 自然堂 | 合気道教室 自然堂は楽しく合気道を学べる場を目指しています。


It is a classroom where you can enjoy and practice Aikido.

活動内容 Activity content


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稽古場所・入会案内 place & enrollment guidance

高知県香美市土佐山田町宝町2丁目1番27号 香美市立中央公民館4階 武道室 稽古日時 毎週土曜日 09:00〜12:00

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稽古予定 schedule


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問合せ Contact


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ご挨拶 Greeting

こんにちは、『合気道教室 自然堂』です。2014年10月から高知県香美市内で合気道の稽古を行っています。小学生から大人までのんびりと合気道を学ぶ場として活動をしています。

Hello, this is "Aikido Classroom Jinen-do". Since October 2014,We are practicing Aikido in Kami City, Kochi Prefecture. We are working as a place to learn Aikido leisurely from elementary school students to adults.

コロナ対策 Corona measures


Currently, the dojo is constantly ventilated, and we are practicing after measuring the temperature, wearing a mask, and disinfecting the fingers. In addition, we are taking measures such as changing the content of the lessons (rehearsals without contact with people, etc.) and suspending the lessons depending on the stage level in Kochi Prefecture's "Guidelines for Infectious Diseases".

稽古風景 practice scenery